4 Reasons Why You Need an Instructional Design Portfolio
So you’ve heard that every ID needs a portfolio to land their dream job. While that’s not always 100% true, having a portfolio certainly improves your odds.
This is especially true for new instructional designers, or those with limited experience. If you think about it from a logical perspective, there are at least four good reasons why every instructional designer should build a portfolio of work:
Everyone likes a sample
You’ll benefit from the practice
You can use it as a benchmark
You can repurpose the content
First, think about it from the perspective of your potential employers.
They need someone who can do the work, and who can contribute to their team without needing to be trained. But how can they be sure that you’re that person? They need you to show them that you’re just what they need. If you were the hiring manager, and you were choosing one more person to interview, would you choose a mystery applicant, or one who showed good work samples? Naturally, most people would feel more comfortable calling in the applicant with the samples.

Lastly, you need an instructional design portfolio so it can be repurposed in the future. Think down the road. Even after you land that first job at a company, you might want to advance or take on further responsibilities in your role. When that time comes, you’ll have a body of work (neatly organized in one place) showcasing your potential. By demonstrating how you’ve successfully tried an approach in the past, you can show your employer that you can do more!

In conclusion, while it’s not absolutely necessary to create a portfolio, new instructional designers should strongly consider it. Remember to think about it from a hiring manager’s perspective and consider all the long-term benefits. Don't forget, there are at least four:
- Everyone likes a sample
- You’ll benefit from the practice
- You can use it as a benchmark
- You can repurpose the content
Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and create something great!